Friday, April 30, 2010

Spent Afternoon With an Icon

Mourning the loss of my Father-in-Law made me appreciate the NOW.
So I made a new friend today. I met with Frank Frazetta and we chatted over coffee.
We talked about painting, drawing , pen & ink, water color. We watched some of "Painting With Fire" and he embellished the stories with extra tidbits of information. I quizzed him by asking if he knew certain artists from back in the day. He knew Wally Wood but not Basil Wolverton. He knew Alex Raymond but not Milton Caniff. He never met Crumb and worked for Capp. He even critiqued some artwork that I brought. I received mostly favorable reviews and then I suggested we swap drawing for drawing. He politely declined.
The details are already starting to fade . We talked about Heinrich Kley. Brushwork for his comic work. I admired his full shelf of art books. And we took some pictures. Because if we didn't I would have as much believability as that guy who picked up Howard Hughes in the desert.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

He Still Had That New Father-In-Law Smell

My Father-in-Law Shaw died yesterday. He was a great guy. Despite leg issues he walked for hours around Kennedy Space Center with nary a complaint. He always had a cold beer to offer. I didn't know him very long but he will always be remembered .
RIP Shaw Honaker

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pummel Street Fight

At there is an activity where two artists go head to head in creating an image pertaining to a specific subject . That's a street fight. Pummel I will leave to be explained another time. In the meantime, here
is my latest contender:

Friday, April 23, 2010

A Painting in Progress

A new photoshop technique being utilized.

Recalling a Master

I was trying to recall a Walter Simonson drawing that I saw on Ebay.

Copying a Master

This is a swipe/study of the original drawing.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A couple of recent tiles done on request.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Orioles Ceiling Tiles

I've been decorating (painting) drop ceiling tiles for my local Orioles social club (bar). People purchase the tile, then for a nominal fee I will paint whatever they want on it. I don't charge that much since they're not really owning the art as much as they are sponsoring it. I just finished two today, but let me back up a bit to show some older favorites.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Fate of Bruce Banner

A different look at the origin of a certain Green Goliath.

A black & white drawing for a Penciljack Pummel competition.
The protagonists are the Kamen Riders.

Day Two

Feeling the rush of deadlines as they fly by me.
